Saturday, April 08, 2006

Food, folks, and fun

I am very lucky to be married to a man who not only enjoys to cook but is wonderful at it. He also enjoys entertaining which I am horrible at. I get all tense and nervous having people over mostly because I am NOT a wonderful cook. Chris and I have come up with the perfect solution. He cooks while I talk to our guests and pour everyone wine. Side note: We think we are wine enthusiasts but confess we poured the cheap stuff this weekend because good wine wasn't in the budget.

Anyhoo, Chris and I had Hannah and Scott over for dinner. I have known Hannah for a few years as we have done multiple modeling gigs together. If Hannah is with me, I know we are going to have a good time. Last night wasn't any different. Chris cooked sun dried tomato and goat cheese stuffed chicken along with cheese and sweet onion orzo pasta. Both were out of this world. Hannah brought chocolate cake from a bakery nearby and that too was delicious.

When dinner was over we sat around and played a board game Hannah and Scott had brought with them. Imaginif needed at least three players but required the names of eight people. We brainstormed and came up with the four additional names we needed for the game. George W. Bush, the Easter bunny aka: Bunny, Helen who is our modeling agent, and Jesus were all excellent choices. The game turned out to be funny and a wonderful argument starter between the couples as we had to guess what other people would say if put in a certain situation.

Example: Imaginif Torrey were a soup. Would she be chili, french onion, won ton, chicken noodle, and a few other options I don't recall at the moment.

Me: "You said I would be french onion? I hate french onion soup."
Chris, trying to recover: "But french onion sounds sophisticated."
Me, trying to sound irritated but really laughing: "French onion soup has that soggy bread with the dump of cheese hanging limply over the side. What are you trying to tell me?"

We had a wonderful time. And Chris learned I am NOT like french onion soup.


Anonymous said...

well...i think you are like french onion soup...sophisticated, full of flavor, and com 'on it has cheese...anything with cheese is FANTASTIC! ;)

Grammie Jan said...

And I think Torrey is like chili. Hot, spicy, and full of beans.


Love, Mama

CuzNuz Ruth said...

Oh wow, Torrey, these comments are sure adding to your blog. So what kind of soup do YOU think you are? Sounds like a fun game.

An Ami in Berlin said...

I think you are Thai spicy soup with green curry and coconut milk, cause that's the best soup in the world, and you are the best!!

Grammie Jan said...

Of course, if you were won ton, that would mean you had lots of dough.

Wouldn't THAT be nice???


RCO said...

You all are too much. How about Spicy Cajun Gumbo??!! ;o)

Helen Clare said...

Hahahaha...Torrey your blog is great! I wish I could be so witty :). Sounds like ya'll are doing really well. I need to find a game like that--would be interesting to see how much Adam and I really do know each other. I mean, what kind of soup would we be? Hmmm. Wish I could have been there to hang out and partake in that amazing-sounding meal!! Making me hungry at the moment...Have a wonderful Easter!! Love, HC