Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Superbowl XLI

We are officially the house divided.

Of course the Bears are going to win but I won't rub it in...much.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


I spent the first week of January in Las Vegas working at the Consumer Electronics Show. Being that I never attended camp as a kid or worked as a camp counselor, living with four other women and spending a large quanity of time with about 25 other women was quite the experience. The weekend was full of drama, backstabbing, gossip, and the occasional racial slurs. If I hear, "Because I'm from Hollywood" again, I think I might hit someone.

In the limo on the way to the convention the first day, a few of us were talking about how old we are. I asked the girl sitting next to me who was obviously younger than yours truly, how old she was. She was the first to inform me that, "I'm from Hollywood and we don't say how old we are." I told her to get over it.

Another girl yelled at and disrespected our agent's assistant. When she was approached by our agent, she denied doing it even though there were multiple witnesses. The next day she decided to quit, refused to leave the condo we were all staying in, and wrote a multiple page letter saying how she was "verbally terrized" by the agent's assistant.

It was quite the weekend.

Thankfully there were some good points to the week. I managed to make a bit of coin and also made a few new friends along the way. Hannah, a good girlfriend of mine that I have mentioned in previous posts, and I shared a room and a bathroom. She helped me keep my sanity.

I am not much of a gambler but I did throw away $2. I spread the $2 over the course of two days and came away with nothing. In this picture is Breana and Janay, both of whom I got to know over the course of the trip. This evening started off as a walk to get a bit of exercise and ended in the Flamingo where I spent one of the $2.

The only other night I went out was quite an adventure. A group of us be-friended a very kind dancer who was hired to work the same booth at the convention we were working. He seemed to know everyone in the city and was considered a local. He invited us to Studio 54 in Vegas and promised us free admission as well as VIP access. I laughed at the initial invitation since dance clubs are not my scene. I am more of a homebody and like to go to bed early. I have to admit it was quite a rush to go to the front of the line to get into Studio 54. We were given dirty looks from the 40 people in line, especially when we didn't have to cough up any money. We were given more dirty looks when we walked through the club and made it to the VIP section. This is a picture from the evening. I had a great time and even made it to bed by 1:00am.

The best part is that the check I earned should be arriving soon and will help to pay for the roof we are having put on next week.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Update on potty training

When Chris and I moved out of our townhouse, we discovered the cats had been peeing on the carpet. $500 and an irritated apartment complex later, we moved into our house. I swore that if our cats didn't get it together in the peeing department, they were on their way out. We laid our a tarp under their litter boxes and hoped for the best. Mistake. Big mistake.

The first step in potty training is to move the litter box (now one instead of two) to the bathroom. If we want them to actually use the toilet, we need to get them to start going the bathroom in the bathroom. In moving the litter box to the bathroom, we pulled up the tarp in the office which where their little box used to sit. Gross. Disgusting. Horrendous. Alright, it wasn't quite that bad. Nothing beats the smell that seeped from the carpet when we pulled up the tarp at the townhouse. But nevertheless, this is MY house. We are no longer renting and I really really really care about what happens to the carpet. And now, thanks to Moses and Mijo, the office has a twinge of cat pee odor.

I can't decide if I should make mittens out of them or if I really need a new scarf...

Decision, decisions.