Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Update on potty training

When Chris and I moved out of our townhouse, we discovered the cats had been peeing on the carpet. $500 and an irritated apartment complex later, we moved into our house. I swore that if our cats didn't get it together in the peeing department, they were on their way out. We laid our a tarp under their litter boxes and hoped for the best. Mistake. Big mistake.

The first step in potty training is to move the litter box (now one instead of two) to the bathroom. If we want them to actually use the toilet, we need to get them to start going the bathroom in the bathroom. In moving the litter box to the bathroom, we pulled up the tarp in the office which where their little box used to sit. Gross. Disgusting. Horrendous. Alright, it wasn't quite that bad. Nothing beats the smell that seeped from the carpet when we pulled up the tarp at the townhouse. But nevertheless, this is MY house. We are no longer renting and I really really really care about what happens to the carpet. And now, thanks to Moses and Mijo, the office has a twinge of cat pee odor.

I can't decide if I should make mittens out of them or if I really need a new scarf...

Decision, decisions.

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