Thursday, October 18, 2007

Weather excitement

Chris is gone and the weather is going a little crazy. We had bad storms last night which pulled siding off of our house. I was sitting on the couch this morning studying for the licensure exam I have tomorrow and heard a scratching noise on the house. I went outside and saw a piece of siding dangling. I pulled it off and noticed there was a second piece looking loose. I went the the gym in the afternoon and when I came home, I saw the second piece had fallen and there was a third looking loose. I called Chris and gave him to the news about the house and we tried to determine if this was something we needed to jump on today or tomorrow. He knows I hate dealing with this kind of thing so offered to make the necessary phone calls.

I just got home from my final marathon study session and flipped on the tv to see we are under a tornado watch. The wind is blowing and the cat is freaking out. I'm hoping the house manages to stay mostly together. I guess I won't know until I wake up tomorrow...

***A tornado warning was just issues for three parts of Indiana. Whew, this could be a long night before a long test tomorrow. Good thing I'm a sound sleeper.


Grammie Jan said...

Yikes! No fun! The major storm damage last night missed us, though we lost electricity twice yesterday. Hope all was well when you got up this morning -- praying for peace of spirit and endurance during test today. Love you!!


CuzNuz Ruth said...

I'm glad God have you a sense of humor to see a good side in the midst of stress. Hope the test went well.