Monday, May 22, 2006

Feline friends or foes?

We have two cats, Moses and Mijo, and we love them dearly. For now, they make great substitutes for children. They need to be fed, loved, and have their litter box cleaned daily. If they fail to receive any of the following, they become irritable, crabby, and will leave unnecessary surprises on our new to us carpet. Overall they are wonderful cats. They are lap cats and enjoy nothing more than sleeping on Chris' chest when he is lying on the couch. They would sleep at the foot of our bed if we let them which we don't because I'm allergic. What was thought to be a simple request from our allergist, "Don't let the cats in the bedroom!" had turned out to be a problem that is only becoming more difficult.

As I think I have mentioned before, I sleep like a rock. Nothing bothers me. Noise? Not a problem. Lights? Never an issue. Obnoxious meowing and pawing at the door at 2:30 in the morning? Don't even notice. What makes it a problem is that Chris does not sleep like a rock. He is a lighter sleeper than my mother which I didn't think was humanly possible.

Has anyone seen the commercial for the cell phone where the kids throw a party, one piece of confetti drops on the floor and the mom hears it on the other end, knows it was confetti, and says she is headed home to break up the party? That, my dear friends, is my husband.

Going back to the cats, the meows and pawing used to start around 7:00 in the morning. Other than weekends when we like to sleep in, this was never an issue. The 7:00 quickly became 6:00 which became 5:30 etc... Last night was a new low. I didn't realize it until I woke up and saw the large sheet of tin foil on the guest bedroom. Apparently Moses had been pawing at the door at 1:30 to be let in/fed. Chris had had it. He got up, got the tin foil, spread it across the entrance to our bedroom door, and went back to bed. Cats aren't supposed to like the noise of tin foil so it makes them go away. Our cats are no different. They too hate the sound. What is different is that our cats are smarter. They moved the tin foil. They must have picked it up in their teeth or pushed it with their paws but it was no longer where Chris had placed it.

I'm not sure what happened in the remaining wee hours of the morning but Chris said that if it happens again, the cats are going in a closet. Any ideas?


Grammie Jan said...

How funny!! Daddy got to "sleep in" until 4:30 this morning when Munchkin woke him up to be fed and let out. At least Munch is quiet about it. He only paws on Daddy's side of the bed, and doesn't usually meow which is why I only wake up when Daddy PLOPS himself back into bed with a loud sigh.

The tin foil is a great idea. I wonder if you tacked it down with a couple of pushpins if they would be deterred -- for more than 5 minutes....

An Ami in Berlin said...


smilinblueeyes said...

Hey Torrey!
I have a friend who has little plastic mats that sit under her doors. When she doesn't want the cats pawing at the door, there's a little sensor she put on the mat. I think it sends little shocks waves through it so it keeps them from pawing on the door. I think it's like the electric fence idea for dogs. I know it doesn't hurt them in any way because she loves her cats WAY too much to use something that would harm them.