Thursday, May 11, 2006

Random thoughts on life

For the record, my husband chose this picture to post. Not exactly my first choice but there will be more to come. For the most part, I painted all the trim in the house and Chris did the roller brush. I didn't take us long to determine which of us is better at certain tasks. After 40 hours of painting, I don't think I can muster the motivation to even write about it. Moving on...

We will have been in our house for two weeks as of tomorrow. We have done little else than work on the house and work at work. I think we were getting in a rut so we decided to go on a date. It was refreshing to get out of the house at someplace other than Lowes, work, or the grocery store and have a sit down meal that neither of us cooked and neither of us had to clean up. We rented a few movies for the cold and rainy evening and settled in to watch what turned out to be a Christmas movie and drink hot chocolate. It was very funny having a perfect cold winter's night in mid-May.

As the rain continues to come down, I feel that there is so much to be thankful for. Chris and I have been married for almost 6 months and it has been the best 6 months of my life. We live in a beautiful home. My dad was able to nail down a job. We have a new niece who is cute as a button. Our families are healthy and my parents are more amazing than imaginable. I am very blessed.


Grammie Jan said...

For some reason, your blog didn't come through until this morning -- Mother's Day...but what a precious Mother's Day gift -- to read about your happiness with The Beamer and with The Dumpling!!

I love you!


An Ami in Berlin said...

I loved all the pictures!! The red is absolutely beautiful. It is fun seeing all the progress you've made. And it is so special to know that you are so happy with Chris and your cozy new home. I'm happy cuz YOU'RE happy!! Love and big hugs, Aunt Lyn