Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I have been complaining to Chris for about two weeks that I need to blog but I wasn't having any grand ideas. Once I did have a grand idea, I always forgot it or failed to make the time to write. Tonight I had a few minutes and decided to pull up my blog to write a new entry regardless of my lack of ideas. I then saw my previous entry...the entry about our new tv. Now I know why I haven't blogged for almost a month. Sad...very sad.


Grammie Jan said...

As women, we are supposed to be Masters-of-Multi-tasking. Therefore, you (theoretically) SHOULD be able to watch the new TV, blog, read a good book, eat dinner, and crochet a doily, all at the same time. (Plus "bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan and never, ever, let him forget he's a man....").

Having actually SEEN the new TV, I can understand how it is taking a bigger slice of your life than ever before. Zounds. The only "magical" thing I can do on ours is skip over the introduction to M.A.S.H. on the DVDs.

Of course, that may be due more to my ineptness rather than a failure of the TV. We are all excited that I at least know how to work (sort of) the remote.

BUT!!! I can add clip art to lectures while watching American Idol.

So there. Multi-tasking at its best!

Mama Bear

An Ami in Berlin said...

Yes, you need to multi-task, dearest niece. The silver screen competes with the computer screen . . .