Sunday, May 06, 2007

Brownie bites

Christopher and I attended a Cinco de Mayo party Saturday evening and we were told to bring a side dish. Since both of us are sugar addicts, I made yummy peanut butter brownies. Chris had to go to work that day so he left at 5:30 a.m. and didn't get home until 5:15 p.m. After he got back home, he napped while I attended another party thrown by my fitness instructor. Since I knew I wouldn't have time to make the brownies in between parties, I made them before the first party and let them sit while I was gone. However, fully cognizant of our cats predilection for baked goods, I covered the brownie pan with a dish cloth. I was proud upon arriving home from the first party to discover they didn't eat the brownies. Instead, Christopher informed me that they stepped on the brownies.

At least it gave us an excuse to cut out the stepped on pieces and eat them before leaving... :)


CuzNuz Ruth said...

Ha Ha. At least you had a cloth over it before the cats walked on it! Good excuse for a munchy.

An Ami in Berlin said...

I am still laughing. I think it is amazing that those cats are still alive. Ever read the book 101 Uses for a Dead Cat?!! Love, Aunt Lyn