Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Life's little frustrations

I am sitting on the couch slightly less frustrated than I was about an hour ago. You see, an hour ago I returned home from having my car towed only to see that my soon to be dead cats threw up on the carpet for the second time in two days. I'm not talking just a little bit of throw up either. I'm talking they walked around the room and thought it would be fun to see mom clean up the entire carpet insead of just a little part of it. One day being on my hands and knees scrubbing was bad enough. Two days was over the top.

Oh, and did you gloss over the part of my car needing to be towed? Yeah, that is how my work day ended. I was on my way to a meeting and the car started jolting. I was on the phone with Chris at the time and he could hear the jolting over the phone. I pulled over and thank the GOOD LORD that he was still at the office. He picked me up, called the Saturn dealership, and we were told the car wasn't safe to drive. We aren't sure what is wrong with it...although Chris thinks it is the transmission...and I am due to drive to Chicago Friday for a convention. Chris is on the phone as we speak trying to determine if our insurance will pay for the tow and if they will cover a rental car.

One more thing. Our dishwashed died two weeks ago. We just got a new one late last week. Gotta love the joys of life. :)


Grammie Jan said...

In the scheme of things, these may be categorized as life's bigger frustrations -- especially when they all come at once. YIKES!!

RCO said...

C'est la vie! ;o)