Thursday, October 19, 2006

Time off

For the first time in history, I have taken time off of work for no reason. I am not traveling home to Chicago. I am not attending a wedding for extended family out of town and it isn't a holiday. For once, I am taking time off just for me. I realized this last night as I was e-mailing my mom. I shared with recent discovery with Chris and he responded by informing me that I am nuts and a work a holic. He also forbid me to do housework since he knows I could fill my entire two days off finding some sort of cleaning to do around the house. He told me to sleep in and enjoy myself. I was very excited.

Of course I woke up at 5:45 AM this morning, the morning of my first of two days free from mentally ill children, mentally ill parents, and in my opinion, a large number of mentally unstable teachers. I tried falling back asleep. I tried pretending it was a Saturday where I normally sleep in a few extra hours. I closed my eyes, put the sheet over my head, and imagined it was only 2AM and I would regret if I didn't go back to sleep. It didn't work. What is the fun of sleeping in when I can't snuggle up to my husband in bed?

So here I am at 6:30 AM having given up on sleeping. I had to wait to get up until Chris left for work because I knew he would have given me a hard time. He already noted I was too awake for my first day off when he kissed me goodbye. I have already created a list of things I want to do today. I need to go to the library and return my book on tape and perhaps check out another one. I need to schedule a doctor's appointment and get a quick blood draw for which I am 4 months overdue. Let's check my list...change the sheets for my guest coming Saturday night, bake muffins for the bridal shower tonight, wrap my gift, check to see if the favors I ordered for the shower will be here by this afternoon, go to the gym, run to the grocery store, etc... Ah yes, a relaxing day indeed.

1 comment:

Grammie Jan said...

Now don't forget to take some time for YOU! After all, this is what these two days are all about...

Love you!!