350 to 3. Not good odds. Even worse odds when you are part of that three. That was me the day of the Superbowl.
Chris and I decided to go to Bufflo Wild Wings to watch the game. He likes the big screens and I was convinced it was one place that there would be at least a handful of Bears fans. We were worried about being able to find a seat so after going to the early service at church, we scarfed down some food and headed to the restaurant. We arrived around 12:15 with a deck of cards and in good spirits. We knew it was going to be a long afternoon since the game didn't start until 6:30. We arrived and the place was already half full. We made friends with those sitting around us and I was appropriately abused by all of the Colts fans. The gentleman next to us informed us that he was actually a Bears fan. It was difficult to tell with the screaming blue jersey he was wearing. He said he was wearing Bears boxers. I opted not to see them.
The restaurant was a sea of royal blue and there I sat with my Bears hoodie and hat. I was told by many that I was brave. I partially agreed. Thankfully many found me acceptable since I was actually a Chicago native. That is how I was dubbed in church when I was pointed out in the middle of the service. Chris was kind enough to tell after the service that he knew I had been embarrassed due to the three shades of red my face turned. And I thought it was due to the heat that was radiating off of my body when the entire congragation turned around and stared at me. But I digress...
The beginning of the game began with me screaming and jumping up and down after Deven Hester scored a touchdown. I figured that since I was the only one (the other two Bears fans were no where to be found) I needed to be loud and proud and make up for the small number that I was.
Note: I did have a girl come up to me wearing a Bears shirt and she gave me a high five. My excitement lasted about 10 seconds when she informed me she really didn't care who won and cheered for whomever had the ball. Dumb girl!
In terms of the rest of the game, I don't want to talk about it.
If any other team in the NFL had to win besides the Bears, I am glad it was the Indianapolis Colts. It has been fun seeing the city celebrate their win. It is also nice to see my husband so happy. And yes, I took down my Bears flag and Chris has three days to celebrate with only his flag flying from the house.
It isn't easy being a Chicago Bears fan in the heart of Indianapolis but it has been a great football season.