Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Indianapolis Blizzard of '07

We were supposed to get 3-7 inches. We figured they overestimated. They always over estimate. We were wrong. We are currently at a foot of snow and are supposed to get another 4-5 inches before the night is over. The wind is also supposed to pick up to around 40 mph so the drifts should be impressive.

Indy certainly isn't Oswego, NY but Indy also rarely has snow. That means that when it does snow, it is a HUGE problem for the city. Chris and I braved the roads this morning and I was promptly scolded from my boss after arrival since my boss knew that the snow was much more significant in the area I live. I worked for an hour before my boss told me to go home. I got all the way home before getting my car stuck directedly in front of my garage. My car was blocking the street so I ran around to neighbors to locate a shovel.

For those who are interested, Target doesn't carry shovels and plastic shovels from Meijer break easily.

I was able to dig my car out of the snow and create a path up the driveway into the garage. Thanks to my dad's good teaching, I thought to lay down kitty litter in front and in back of my tires for a bit of tread. I managed to make it into the garage on my second attempt.

Chris stayed at work until noonish before he called it a day due to cancelled meetings and an inability to make visits to his clients. We have spent the day making cookies and watching movies. Here is what our cats have been doing while we have been home...

P.S. Pickett, hope you are enjoying warm Kenya while we are freezing our tails off in America!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah baby...cool evenings, warm days, no coats, sunny skies...can there possibly be that much snow somewhere else?