Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Please pray for my friend

Chris and I found out that a close friend of ours was diagnosed with breast cancer today. She is just a few years older than me and has two young children. Chris works with her husband which is how we came to become friends with them. Without trying to put words to how this must feel for our friends, I would imagine that it is difficult for anyone else who hears the news and is close with this couple. For me, difficult doesn't come close to describing it.

Chris told me the news as work was ending and since then I haven't been able to stop crying and am grossly irritable. This dark cloud of sadness has encompassed my heart. Thankfully Chris had to work late so I can sit at home and process why this news is so devestating to me. For anyone who hears this news about a friend, your own mortality is considered. We all take some time to think about what it would look like if it happened to us. Regardless of my usual "I'm too sensitive" thoughts, I couldn't wrap my head around why this was having such a significant impact until a few minutes ago.

This news has been given to me before. I have been told I have cancer. I have been told it doesn't look good and that I will have to say goodbye to my friends. I have laid on the floor in despair listening on the other end of the phone while my parents listened to the doctor talk to them about how bad things looked for me. I have felt the feelings my friend is feeling. Although in social work we are always taught to never say "I understand," I DO understand what it is like to survive the day you are told you have cancer. It is a scary and lonely, and minutes pass that feel pregnant with hopelessness and despair.

A week later the doctors realized they were wrong and I was given my life back. That is where my understanding ends. That is where my love and passion for my friend will continue. Please pray for her.

1 comment:

Stephanie & Matt said...

Thank you Torrey for blogging about me! I didn't even know about blogs until this fall and now I have my own and am replying to yours!!! Yours has way better content. Thanks for your concern, prayers and meal (wait, I mean eating with us!)