Saturday, December 15, 2007

Long time no write

Or at least it feels that way. I have been putting off writing the Christmas letter but I decided that until it was written, I wasn't allowed to blog. I'm not sure why I do that to myself but it isn't the first time. Over the summer I decided I wasn't allowed to read any of my books until I took my licensure exam. I was THRILLED when it was over and I swallowed up a few books all at one time as soon as I had the chance.

The Christmas letter is written and Chris added all of the fun details to it such as a heading, watermark, and pictures. This is why you will see a picture of the Indianapolis Colts Superbowl ring in the letter. I tried to explain that a Christmas letter is to show recipients pictures of us, not of things they can see anywhere. He vehemently disagreed and you will see upon receiving the Christmas letter that he won. I still think it looks silly but oh well.

We are currently getting dumped with 8 inches of snow so we have a fire going in the fireplace, music playing, candles lit, and we finished making Christmas cookies. Chris is outside grilling us steak. Yup, you read right. He is OUTSIDE GRILLING!! Gotta love a dedicated grill master. :)

He just waved the finished steak under my nose. It smells delicious!! Gotta run. There is food to be eaten!!


An Ami in Berlin said...

Yum! Can I stop over for dinner with the MC?

Anonymous said...

so glad your back! ;o)can't wait to get the letter... keep warm!

Anonymous said...

* you're

CuzNuz Ruth said...

Hi, care to send me a copy of the letter too? Email would be fine. But must confess, it would go into Cuz Nuz. Would that be okay? Hope you have a lovely Christmas... safe driving!

Anonymous said...

I think, that you are not right. I am assured. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will talk.